How the Edgar Cayce Readings Bring Unity to Science and Religion

Science and religion are one when their purposes are one.
[Edgar Cayce reading 5023-2]

-- Essays and Thoughts on Religion, Science and the Edgar Cayce Readings --

The readings are vast and deep and the structure and grammar can be a bit intimidating. One can spend a lifetime unraveling and deciphering the various themes that thread their way through them, but the journey is well worth the effort. (The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe, page 9)

The Edgar Cayce readings bring a deeper understanding of the nature of man, Jesus, and God than the tenets of the major traditional religions but are consistent with many aspects of these religions. The readings bring science and religious thought together as a unified whole, declaring that the physical universe was intentionally created as a causal environment for the rehabilitation of souls that have lost God consciousness through selfish activity. These essays are a collection of writings and ideas that mostly develop topics from the readings that touch on traditional religious thought or that serve to bring science and religion into a closer union. They contain a blend of ideas from religion, science and the readings and attempts to weave the ideas together in a way to cause the reader to think rather than blindly accept or reject. I hope they encourage you to explore your personal spirituality more fully and deeply.

Some of the topics explored herein are discussed in more detail in the book The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe. I invite you to read it.

Essays and Thoughts - Enter With an Open Mind

-- Books for Sale by Jeffrey Imes --

The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe
As Revealed by Science and the Edgar Cayce Readings

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The interface of science and religion as it pertains to the creation of the universe and the nature of the soul is a fascinating field of investigation. The author recently (2022) published The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe as a way to order and correlate the ideas from readings that touched upon the creation of the universe as a facility for the rehabilitation of souls that had lost God consciousness with scientific studies in the fields of cosmology and archaeology. The book also was written to help bring about a better understanding of the connection between science and religion, the relationship between man and God, and the true spiritual purpose of the universe in which we reside. Scientists and religious leaders too often hold each other at arm’s length. Scientist can’t cross the invisible barrier because their mission requires them to remain focused on the physical laws that constrain the behavior of matter and energy. Religious leaders refuse to acknowledge the truth of scientific discoveries and theories that apparently [in their minds] conflict with spiritual concepts such as the existence of God and the soul. This refusal to accept scientific truths extends to concocting various formulations of “biblical science” from literal interpretations of the Bible to counter imagined dangers from secular science. This manmade tension between the physical and spiritual worlds is artificial and unnatural. The spiritual philosophy of the Edgar Cayce readings brings science and religious thought together as a unified whole. Perhaps this book will help dissolve some of the mental barriers that prevent the union of science and religion.

List of Chapters
Chapter Preview: Souls - Portions of God
Chapter Preview: Soul Incarnation and the Rise of Man

The Essenes and the Advent of Jesus
A study guide for the Advent season based on the Holy Bible and Edgar Cayce Readings

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The Essenes and the Advent of Jesus is an eight-lesson biblical study guide of events leading up to the birth of Jesus that integrates Bible verses with invaluable information gleaned from the readings of Christian psychic Edgar Cayce. It pulls together considerable background material covering the years before the birth of Jesus, fills in some of the historical gaps in the biblical material, and corrects apparent misperceptions prevalent in the traditional interpretation of some biblical verses. The real Christmas story begins with the formation of a School of Prophets some four hundred years before the birth of Jesus. This school eventually became the center of a Jewish sect called the Essenes, who dedicated their lives to preparing for the birth of the Messiah. The Essenes were a third religious group in Jewish society (the other two being the Pharisees and Sadducees) that are mentioned briefly in a couple of ancient history books, but are discussed extensively in the readings. The mission of the Essene community was to prepare for the expected Jewish Messiah by providing for the education and protection of Mary and later the young Jesus. The author has found this historical material to be more probable than the common interpretation of the few Biblical passages about the young Mary that assigns to her role of motherhood without prior knowledge on her part, without a supporting community to help her in that role, and with total disregard for her free will. Each of the eight lessons provided in the book ends with a series of questions to encourage discussion.

An Iams/Imes Family History

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This collection of genealogical information and historical sketches is a record of the Iams/Imes family that entered Lawrence County, Ohio in about 1810. The original surname of that family was Iams, but by the mid-1800s all of the family had changed their surname to Imes. The colonial ancestors of the vast majority of Imes and associated families of variant spellings (Iiams/Ijams/Iams/etc) in America descend from William Iiams and Elizabeth (Cheney) Iiams of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The authors have not been able to link the Imes families of Lawrence County, Ohio, to descendants of William and Elizabeth (Cheney) Iiams because, as told by oral tradition, “the family traveled down the east coast of Atlantic seaboard to the Carolinas in search of good land then turned toward north the Ohio lands. The patriarch died and was buried on the trail northward and his name is now lost to his living descendants. The mother, three sons and one sister arrived in Ohio in 1810.”

Any attempt to reconstruct the past using records that are widely separated in time and space, often incomplete and prone to errors of memory and the sometimes poor educational backgrounds of recorders and their subjects, is fraught with peril. The authors have talked to dozens of individuals, and sifted through hundreds of documents and thousands of recorded names to compile the family records presented herein. While much of the material compiled in these family histories was derived from old government and newspaper records, a significant part comes from the personal remembrances of family members. Memories fade in time, but often, even after the details are gone, enough facts are often retained to provide clues to the researcher. As more state, county and federal records are photographed and compiled into online databases, other researchers will be able to study those records to fill in the inevitable gaps and omissions and correct the errors in the data recorded in this book and publish a revised edition. It is hoped that the material published herein will be useful to these future Imes family genealogists as a foundation for further research.

-- About the Author --

Jeffrey Imes received a PhD in physics in 1974 with supporting studies in geology and geophysics and worked for forty years in the fields of geophysics and groundwater hydrology with the U.S. Geological Survey until retiring in 2013. He has many interests that span the range from science fiction to cosmology to religion to spirituality and has been an avid reader and researcher of the Edgar Cayce readings for about 45 years. He first discovered the readings in 1977 when he borrowed the book "Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation" by Noel Langley from the American Embassy circulating library in Tripoli, Libya. Being a scientist, he appreciates the natural way in which the philosophy of the readings integrate scientific discoveries and certain religious ideas, and bring together Christianity and aspects of Eastern religious thought in a coherent non-dogmatic manner.

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  - This website maintained by Jeffrey Imes to the best of his limited ability -